Rotala SP 'Bonsai'
Quick Overview
Rotala SP 'Bonsai' is a rare and hard to find an aquarium plant and should not to be confused with the common Rotala Indica. Rotala Bonsai grows much slower compared to other aquatic stem plants, making it suitable for smaller planted tanks. Rotala Bonsai sometimes referred to as Ammania Bonsai, is considered harder to keep and not suitable for beginners due to its more demanding care. It often melts when planted submerged right away so it helps to grow it emerged first to allow it to establish itself, then slowly transition it to submerged conditions.
Rotala SP 'Bonsai'
Family Name: Lythraceae
Height: 4-8”
pH: 6.5-7.5
Care: Moderate to Hard
Light: Medium to High
Co2: Required
Propagation: Cut stem and replant
Growth rate: Moderate to Fast