Red Volcanic Lava Rock 15KG

₹ 3,750.00
Quick Overview

Lava Rock which is formed from the intense heat of volcanos has many hidden benefits for the aquarium that many hobbyists are not even aware of. This blog post on The Hidden Benefits of Lava Rock will give an insight into how this rock really does help. It's is perfect for providing the ideal living environment for your aquarium because it has beneficial denitrifying bacteria. This bacteria will improve your water quality by reproducing and then removing nitrates.

Red Volcanic Lava Rock 15KG

An anaerobic environment is created inside the rock as beneficial nitrifying bacteria consume all the oxygen in the water. Within this anaerobic environment inside the rock, denitrifying bacteria consume the nitrate and produce oxygen and nitrogen. We all know how nitrate in the aquarium is bad news for fish and shrimp so Lava rock really is the most natural and best way of removing nitrate.


  • Ideal for ferns and moss growth
  • Denitrify the water
  • Doesn’t create any pollution or radiation
  • Best for aquascaping

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